This is what it looks like

Published on 26 August 2023 at 17:08

Yeah, my banner was a ruse. You know, we use it to ensnare people in my line of work, to get them to come where we want them, when we want them. I was thought that as a rookie cop, a long time ago. It seems like an eternity, but it was 30 years ago, in the year of 2120. I will not apologize for that. There is no need. If you are here, I have your attention, and that is exactly what is needed.

So, without further ado, take a look don here and see it for yourself:

The location, you ask?

Behold the Neo-Philadelphia, a Megacity in the state of DSA (Democratic States of America) – an urban labyrinth where dreams and despair entwine, where towering skyscrapers cast shadows over the forsaken streets. The tainted air, filtered by the machinery of the skyscraper, carries the mutagenic miasma that hangs like a shroud. In a reality where mutation is the norm, crime thrives as currency, and corporations are omnipotent overlords, my small balcony on the 33rd floor serving as my observation post, from which I spill the judgment on both my current society and yours, many years before my time. 


Think this is the night? No, my friends, this is 12:00 on a sunny Saturday morning. This is one of the good days, where it is possible to go outside and breathe shortly without a re-breather and acid nipping at your exposed skin, worrying about getting the black lung, a disease that was supposed to be exterminated so long ago. 

Funny thing is - this is not even close to what this city looks like during the night, cyclic storms and low-pressure acid clouds rolling in and burning everything. More on that later, friends. I shouldn't introduce you to the full insanity in the first communication. The rules of good reporting practically dictate it. 


How did we get here? Well, that is our mutual mystery to unravel, friends. 

I will not spare you the details. I will not hold back, and you might just learn my story along the way. 

Since there will be a blackout in about 5 minutes, I am sending this message to the blog-page. 

Till the next time. 


Yours truly.

Victor Wraithborne (VW)

P.S.: Underneath are some more pics. I am always documenting my environment on my trusty HU-LEICA, so I hope you appreciate the effort.


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