2150 Neon Desolation

Published on 27 August 2023 at 16:47

Let's start by painting a picture of what it is to live today in a megacity as a Pleb (From AI-DICTO: an ordinary person, especially one from the lower social classes), because that is what we mostly are.


In the year 2150, the sprawling urban expanse of Neo Philadelphia emerges as a grim testament to humanity's own demise. This dystopian cityscape, marred by towering shadows and echoing with the sighs of its 45 million inhabitants, serves as a chilling tableau of a world where mega corporations reign supreme, humanity's worth has been bartered away, and the very concept of hope has been obliterated. Welcome to the wasteland of despair, where neon glows illuminate shattered dreams, and the future is held hostage by the dark echoes of our own creations.


Streets of Chaos:

The thoroughfares that were once the arteries of a bustling metropolis have transformed into battlegrounds, dominated by vicious gangs. These lawless bands have carved their dominion amidst the crumbling architecture, at times rendering entire blocks inaccessible even to the brave souls who wear the badge. Amidst the relentless clashing between the gangs and the dwindling police force, the concept of law and order becomes a frail whisper in the urban tempest. The drugs that are distributed these days are a long way from the ones which are used in your time, friends. Tranq? Kid's medicine. 

Overcrowded Shadows:

A city that once held the promise of opportunity now grapples with a population of over 45 million. Nobody knows the real number. People multiply like rats, and then live like sardines in a labyrinth of cramped apartments. These living spaces, stripped of comfort and dignity, bear witness to the corporate greed that fueled their construction. It's your plastcrete, plasteel, plasglass everywhere. Tough, able to withstand the climate conditions and pressure of building fast and high. The inhabitants are like shadows in their own homes, mere cogs in the colossal machines of mega corporations who exploit their toil without a second thought. The lines between life and mere survival blur under the weight of oppression. Your rich class, self pronouncing themselves "Royalty" and "Elites", live above the clouds. The fresh air... I've been there a couple of times. I might talk about it later, because it drives me into depression to remember the luxury and compare it to the plebs living conditions. 


Masked in Desolation:

If you are above floor 30, the sun struggles to penetrate the smog-laden sky. On walkways above that level, the inhabitants of Neo Philadelphia step out, donning their full-face masks – a temporary defense against the toxic atmosphere that hangs heavy like a shroud. The air, a noxious cocktail of pollutants and acid, gnaws at lungs and stings eyes. On the rare days when the acidic mists relent, a fleeting glimpse of normalcy teases the senses. But such respite is a cruel reminder of what once was, and what now remains just beyond reach. The masks serve a double purpose - protection from the atmosphere and also VBI - Viral Bacterial Infection, as the name suggests, a little present that combines viral ability to spread and the impact of a bacterial infection. If you are lucky, you won't pick up something the soldiers brought back from the first lines. Even Synth-Biotics are no guarantee you can survive that, if you have enough money to buy them. When you dive below level 30, you are just rolling the dice. Cancer mutagens, viral contagion, toxic pollutants and shit are so concentrated a hazmat suit equivalent is needed. Guess who doesn't have that? Most of us.


Engines of Desperation:

Remember those wide USA roads, friends? Nowadays, the roads are a chaotic blend of vehicular desperation, spanning on several levels, attached to the skyscrapers. The metallic beasts that traverse the streets range from battered low-level trucks to towering mega-transporters, the latter burdened with the riches of the corporations they serve, under armed protection - both human and AI. Some transports defy gravity, hovering on anti-grav cushions that emit a haunting hum, autonomous and human controlled choppers and VTOLs (Vertical Take-Off and Landing) are hovering or zooming around the place, delivering goods and services en masse, while others remain rooted in the muck of a city that's become a graveyard of aspirations. One of those left in the muck are food-delivery services on bikes. Nobody dares to even try, as the streets echo with the cacophony of motors and the hollow laughter of a world gone awry.

Eyes of the Overlords:

But this blighted cityscape is not without its puppeteers. The puppet strings are held by insidious overseers serving the Lords of Profit - AI controllers, a digital shadow cast by the hands of the immortal elite. These wealthy barons, who have stolen the elixir of eternal life, wield the AI's influence to ruthlessly orchestrate society's dance. You have your SID (Social Index Determinator) that tells the AI if you have been a good boy. No? Sorry. No access to amenities. No health services. No food stamps. No fresh water. No transport access. Sorry. Fuck off and die. Or... you can sell yourself in a probation program. Conditions? Oh, no biggie. Here is a contract of your indentured service that absolves us from any responsibility of your death. 

Every step, every breath, is weighed against the elite's grand design and race for profit. Surveillance is ubiquitous, and resistance is folly. The city's heartbeat echoes with the marching drums of their power... and the screams of the oppressed. 


Lost Souls and Forgotten Dreams:

In the forgotten crevices of Neo Philadelphia, lives are discarded like scraps of paper. Dreams are a currency long devalued, and survival is an art form perfected through years of hardship. Beneath the glimmering neon facade, the human spirit endures, clinging to hope by a thread, defying the darkness that seeks to engulf all. Every act of compassion, every whispered rebellion, is a spark of defiance that burns brighter against the oppressive night.

As I wander through the grim alleyways, sometimes I find myself surrounded by the residue of rebellion. In this realm of towering shadows, polluted skies, and lost souls, humanity's survival is a testament to the resilience of the spirit. Neo Philadelphia is not just a city – it's a reflection of our own failings, a stark reminder that the price of progress can be the erosion of our very humanity.

That is the direct consequence of society betting on "genius elites" like Musk, Bezos, Gates, Jobs and many others, promoting the corporate dream while fucking everybody over by not paying taxes, getting subsidies, using lobbying to grab as much as they could and sponsor their ascendance into the elite society of today for themselves and their families. 

The neon glow may cast an eerie beauty, but beneath the surface lies a world consumed by its own greed and indifference, trapped in a cycle of dystopian despair that seems almost impossible to break.

Finishing thoughts:

I hope you find this one insightful. Though it is depressing, it helps me clear my mind and will give you a clear connection between actions and their consequences. Stay well and do something for the climate. It doesn't have to be anything drastic, because every little bit helps.

I have to finish for this session. Work is calling, and as every other pleb, I do have to pay my next batch of water and my electric bill.  Hope to hear from you, ancestors. 

VW is out. 

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